some pretty things

Well I have been pretty flat out busy lately and so today I took a break. I made myself a cup of tea, tucked my feet under me on my pink sofa in a sunny part of the house with my youngest daughter. I had my magazines, she had her comics and we flipped through the pages looking at pretty things together. Here a few things that caught my eye in the UK Elle Decoration. 1) a graphic print poster from Ikea uk (amazingly!) 2) gorgeous mugs from John Lewis made in collaboration with Elle and designers, raising funds for a charity called Shelter 3) Amy Butler Wall paper from Graham and Brown. Ahhh so nice to stop rushing and enjoy the moment, for a moment. Need to rush off for school run now!


Oh John Lewis is ace & Amy Butler wall paper, is there anything more fantastic?? What a lovely way to spend your day, with magazines, your little one with comics. I brought back a bag filled with Vogues from all over the world in July for my eldest, she loves them, can even read the Japanese ones??!! Love Posie

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