
Showing posts from December, 2010

Merry Christmas! Free tag download

Hello everybody. This will be the last post for 2010, thank you for all the support over this last year, Sweet William had a fantastic 2010 and we are super excited about 2011! As a little thank you please feel free to download the 'love, hope, joy' artwork I created for Christmas tags (you should be able to right click and select download image) it will be a nice juicy file size ready to print, cut out and put on your gifts. Hope your Christmas is filled with love, hope, joy and peace. Warm regards - Shelley and Paula xoxo

Joy to the world

Christmas is a special time, the kids are excited, everything is busy and generally everyone is making a bit of a fuss. Whether it be about gifts, or food, or celebrating, or family, or your beliefs, or all of the above - it is a special time. This past weekend we stayed home all Sunday and prepared our home for Christmas. It is also a sad time, my family are spread out all over the world and we lost our Mum in December, 5 years ago. I found making our home ready for Christmas very therapeutic and watching my kids decorate the tree made my heart sing. Here are some shots of how it all looks. Hope all your festivities and preparations are going well. Paula xox. p.s the gorgeous red paper pom poms and beautiful hand made paper wreath are by Sydney based paper artist Jo Neville.

my home featured in dujour magazine!!

Wow wee I am super excited to announce that my home is featured in the current issue of Dujour. Here is a lovely blurb about the mag and a few handy links: ' We are the new voice for international emerging fashion and eco-friendly style. Dujour is Americaā€™s first independent, internationally distributed, print-on-demand fashion and lifestyle publication dedicated exclusively to emerging designers, artists, and a handmade lifestyle. We are digital as well as print with shipping offered worldwide. We love fashion but don't take it too seriously, instead you will find us hosting cupcake tea parties and dancing in our feather undies. Join us if you secretly do the same!' Blog: Website: Issuu:

magnolia square market and iphone apps!

My daughter Rosie - shot taken on iphone with hipstamatic app. Kitchen stool - shot taken on iphone with hipstamatic app. Me looking annoyed and in need of some botox or something or maybe just a glass of wine... My husband, Pete, and I having fun with iphone and new app's Flinders Street Melbourne - shot taken on iphone with hipstamatic app. Me at Magnolia Square Market I had a fantastic time at the Magnolia Square market in St. Kilda Town Hall. It was lovely to meet a few blog readers and returning customers, thanks for stopping by. Here are some shots of my stall at the market. I had beautiful peonies on the stall table and when I got home I plonked them all down on my pink kitchen table, they looked so good I had to take a quick shot of them before they wilted. Pete (my hubby) acquired a new iphone recently and we have had loads of fun with all the amazing app's that are out there. Hipstamatic turns your shots into retro film photo's - how cool! So I couldn't help ...

next market - Magnolia Square

Pop in and say hello to me at Magnolia Square Market in St. Kilda Town Hall, Melbourne from 5 pm on Thursday the 2nd of December until 4pm on Sunday the 5th. Should be good!