new obsession - natural history

I love finding a new theme to get obsessed about! At the moment it is all 'natural history museum'. Loving the look of little delicate glass test tubes with flowers, collections of natural objects and making everything look to precious to touch, slightly out of bounds - encased in glass or beautifully displayed in cabinets. Here are some images that are making me feel the need to go hunting for some lovely finds again, which I am hoping to be doing with my sister in Wellington this week! YAY! One more sleep! From the top: Moth's Ball Art Print ; Antique Squid Print ; fish skeleton and vintage botanical print from Evolution ; the wire shoe and old bottles are mine; flowers in test tubes via Pia Bijerk's beautiful blog; last three images from a very pretty shop called pale and interesting . Ok I am off to pack my bags now and hopefully you will all hear from Shelley and I together sometimes over the next few days, so excited!!