When it comes to making (and cleaning the house for that matter), I have to confess that I tend to be quite A.D.D (can you relate?). I get super excited about the project, I pull everything out, I start the prototype (which takes far longer than it should to make), it all gets a bit frustrating, distraction comes and that can be the death knell of whatever I'm working on. Stickability is the issue. I read in Dr Mel Levin's "A Mind at a Time" that this hyper brain / brain fatigue is quite common amongst creatives. (so feel a tad less guilty about abandoned pieces) When I start on a creative process - its hard to speculate about where it will end and if it will have any longevity. So somethings are complete one offs, and some things will get a chance to be re-interpreted several times. I don't know what gives the project its hold, perhaps its the challenge, the result or the new things learnt. What does give me focus, (and refocus) is the work of others - from blog ...